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PHR chapter6. Employee and labor relations 노사관계 파트 목차 & 정리 1 본문


PHR chapter6. Employee and labor relations 노사관계 파트 목차 & 정리 1

HR과 미래 2022. 1. 9. 15:59

미루고~ 미루다~ 오늘 공부 시작.

으른의 삶은 공부도 연애도 쉽지 않은 것 같다.. 

(난이도가 어렵다기 보다 신경써야할게 많은 시기인듯한.. 이것도 해야하고, 저것도 해야하고..

학생 때는 공부만 하면 되었었는데 그게 소중한지를 모르고 흑흑.)

잡설은 그만하고 시작해보자. 노사관계에는 또 어떤 표현들이 있을지 gogo!



Human relations

  • Personality at work (직장에서 성격) 
    Big 5 이론 by  폴 코스타 주니어(Paul Costa Jr.), 로버트 맥크레(Robert McCrae)
    cf. 외조성안개 (향성-화성-실성-정성-방성) or OCEAN
    1. Openness
    2. Conscientiousness (성실성)
    3. Extroversion (외향성)
    4. Agreeableness 
    5. Neuroticism (신경성) ↔ 정서적 안정성
  • Psychological capital (PsyCap : 심리자본) by 루산스
    cf. 자희낙회 or HEROㄷ
    1. Hope (망) 
    2. Efficacy (기효능감)
    3. Resiliency (복탄력성)
    4. Optimism (관주의)
  • Motivational concepts
    1. Abraham maslow : The hierarchy of needs (1954) 매슬로-욕구단계설
    2. B. F. skinner : Operant conditioning (1957) 스키너-조작적 조건화
    3. Fredrick herzberg : Motivation/Hygiene theory (1959) 허쯔버그-2요인이론 (동기/위생)
    4. Douglas McGregor : Theory X and Theory Y (1960) 맥그리거-XY이론
    5. David McClelland : Acquired needs theory (1961) 맥클레랜드-성취동기이론 ?
    6. J. Stacey Adams : Equity theory (1963) 아담스-공정성 이론
    7. Victor Vroom : Expectancy theory (1964) 브룸-기대이론 (cf. 노성보기유?)
    8. Clayton Alderfer : ERG theory (1969) 알더퍼-ERG이론 (cf. Existence-Relatedness-Growth)

Organization climate and culture

  • Employee engagement
    1. Altruism (이타주의)
    2. Courtesy (공손)
    3. Conscientiousness (양심성)
  • Employee invlovement strategies 
    1. Technology
    2. Suggestion boxes
    3. Delegating authority (권한위임)
    4. Task force
    5. Committees
    6. Work team
    7. Virtual work team
    8. Employee-management committees
    9. Self-directed work team 
  • Communicating with employees
    1. Open-door policy
    2. Management by walking around
    3. Department staff meetings
    4. All-hands staff meetings/town-hall meetings
    5. Brown-bag lunches (캐쥬얼점심미팅 같음)
    6. Newsletters
    7. Intranet
    8. Word of mouth (입소문)
    9. Email
    10. Instant messaging
    11. Company videos
  • Employee feedback
    1. Employee surveys
    2. Exit inteviews
    3. Employee focus group
    4. Skip-level interviews
  • Positive employee relations programs
    1. Recognition
    2. Special events
    3. Telecommuting
    4. Flextime
    5. Compressed workweeks
    6. Part-time work 
    7. Job sharing

Employee rights and resposibilities

  • Workplace policies and procedures
    1. Policy
    2. Procedure
    3. Work rule
  • Records management: The life cycle
    1. Establishing the policy (정책 설정)
    2. Proper disposal (적절한 처분)
    3. Electronic storage (전자적 형태로 저자)

Performance managements programs

  • Performance appraisal 
    1. Elements of a performance appraisal
      • Supervisor assessment
      • Employee self-assessment
      • Assessment from others
      • Goal setting
    2. Timing performance appraisals
    3. Performance appraisal methods
      • Comparison methods
        ① Ranking
        ② Raired comparison
        ③ Forced ranking
      • Rating methods
        ① Rating scales
        ② Checklists
      • Narrative methods (서술형)
        ① Critical incident
        ② Essay
        ③ Field review
      • Behavioral methods (ch. BARS, BOS)
  • Training performance evaluators
    1. Before the meeting
    2. During the meeting
    3. After the meeting
    4. Nonsupervisory evaluators
  • Performance improvement
  • Workplace behavior issues 
    1. Absenteeism (잦은 결근)
    2. Dress code
    3. Insubordination (불복종, 반항)

Organization Exit/Off-boarding processes

  • Voluntary exit processes (자발적퇴사)
  • Involutary exit processes (비자발적퇴사)
    1. Disciplinary terminations (징계해고)
    2. The termination meeting
    3. Wrongful termination
    4. Worker adjustment and retraining notification (WARN) act of 1988 (100명이상 직원인 경우 대량해고시 60일 전 통보)
    5. Making layoff decisions
      • Severance
      • Outplacement
      • Unemployment insurance (실업보험)
    6. Conducting the layoff meeting
    7. Easing the transition
      • Workforce Investment Act (WIA) (노동투자법?)
      • Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
  • Tools for dispute resolution (분쟁 해결을 위한 도구)
  • Arbitration (중재)
  • Mediation (조정)
  • Constructive confrontation (건설적 대립) 


