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PHR chapter4. Learning and development 교육&훈련 파트 목차 & 정리 2 본문


PHR chapter4. Learning and development 교육&훈련 파트 목차 & 정리 2

HR과 미래 2022. 1. 10. 00:43

정리는 4, 5, 6챕터만 할 예정이다. 이유는 내가 취약한 부분이기 때문 ㅠ..ㅠ 

물론 앞 부분도 굉장히 취약하지만 그 부분은 정리하는데 시간을 쓰는니 빨리 회독을 늘려야겠다는 생각 

후. 너무나도 순진하게 시간을 보냈다. 

아 경영조직론, 인사관리론이랑 많이 연결되는 것 같은데 어딘지 딱딱 감이 안온다 으아 ㅜㅠ

집중하자 집중집중!!

이 파트는 교육훈련 파트. 고고링 



Organizational development

  • Strategic interventions (전략적 개입) 
    1. Change management
      • Change process theory
        Kurt Lewin의 변화 3단계 모형
        ① Unfreezing (해빙) 
        ② Moving (이동)
        ③ Refreezing (재동결)
      • Tools for successful change
        ① Prepare for change
        ② Communicate
        ③ Develop a plan
        ④ Have an executive sponsor
        ⑤ Motivate direct supervisors
        ⑥ Recruit unofficial leaders
        ⑦ Implement
        ⑧ Evaluate
    2. Knowledge management (지식경영)
      • Expert registers
      • Best-practice standards
      • After-action evaluations 
      • Communities of practice
      • Technology solutions
      • Knowledge management systems
    3. Learning organizations
      피터 셍게 (Peter senge)의 학습조직 - 시개사공팀
      • System thinking (스템사고)
      • Personal Mastery (인숙련)
      • Mental models (고 공유)
      • Building a shared vision (유된 비전)
      • Team learning (학습)
  • Techno-structural interventions
    1. Total quality management (TQM - 전사적품질경영)
    2. Six sigma
      방법론 (DMAIC) : Define > Measure > Analyze > Improve > Control
      레벨 : Quality leader/manager, Master black belt, Process owner, Black belt, Green belt 
    3. Process mapping
    4. Job design
      • Job enrichment (직무충실) - Skill variety, Task identity, Task significance, Autonomy, Feedback
      • Job enlargement (직무확대) - 과업수 
      • Job rotation 
      • Job crafting
      • Job loading
    5. High-involvement organizations
      • Power
      • Information
      • Knowledge
      • Rewards
  • Human process interventions
    1. Team-building activities
    2. Creative problem-solving
  • Human resource management interventions
    1. Succession planning through leadership development
      • Developmental networks - Diversity, Density, Strength
      • Developmental multisource feedback
      • Developmental assignments
      • Personal growth
      • Management by objectives
      • Supervisory training
    2. Career management
      • Skills training
      • Coaching programs
      • Internal sources
      • External sources
      • Virtual coaching
      • Mentoring programs
    3. Career pathing 
    4. High-potential employees
    5. Dual-career ladders

Employee training programs : Organizational-level, Task-level, Individual-level

  • Adult learning processes and learning styles
    1. Self-concept
    2. Experience
    3. Readiness to learn
    4. Orientation to learning
    5. Motivation to learn
    6. Auditory
    7. Visual
    8. Tactile/Kinesthetic
  • Instructional design models (수업설계모형)
    1. The ADDIE model - Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation
    2. Other instructional design models - AGILE (Align, Get set, Iterate and implement, Leverage, Evaluate), SAM
  • Learning management systems

Metrics : Measuring results

  • Business impact measures - Production measures, Learning measures
  • Return on investment 
  • Tactical accountability measures
    1. Traning cost per employee
    2. Employee satisfaction surveys
    3. Learning surveys 